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Greetings from the ICU Ward
Observations from the Edge
Robert T. Nanninga Coast News February 11, 2009
It would seem I needed some critical me time after the 2008 Encinitas Council Race.Run down and profoundly disappointed I didn't see the pneumonia coming until I was panting like a dog struggling to breathe on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Pneumonia is as gnarly as it gets. Everything works but the lungs. Lungs give breath. To breathe is to live. My mind is as active as ever, I want this to be done. There is Earth Day to plan for, Encinitas Environment Day to organize. Poetry to publish and a novel to be finished. And I still have yet to see Prairie Dogs in the wild. Laying in bed news filters back about life and community in Encinitas. It is nice to know the tree people are getting creative. Thank you Andrew and all who gave him support during his week at the Orpheus front line. Trees are the lungs of the planet. Without trees, lots of trees, soon everyone and everything will be gasping for air, victims of planetary pneumonia, so not good. With that observation, allow me to self indulge with a poem written in honor of those who fight and plant trees.
Plant an oak, save the world. |